Employee Wellbeing = Company Wellbeing

We believe that work and life are integrated, not independent. They flow together.

RemoteWorx Wellbeing provides a simple solution that motivates employees to embrace healthy habits in both their personal and professional lives.

It’s not about Work-Life balance. It’s about Work+Life Synergy.

Our Founders

Steve Savvides


Steve is a life enthusiast who is passionate about family, friends, and meaningful connections. In the last 35 years, he founded and developed three Event Technology companies, resulting in successful acquisitions. Recognizing the importance of wellbeing, both at work and at home, he always ensured that everyone in the workplace had the tools, resources and inspiration needed to support a wellness mindset.


Steve graduated from New York University with a B.S. in Business, Technology and Music. As an active tennis player and fitness fan, he has personally experienced the overall benefits of following good health habits throughout the work day. He co-founded RemoteWorx – Workplace Wellbeing to help companies discover, adopt and build a culture of wellbeing into their organizations.


“I’m 100% convinced that companies who invest in their team by promoting a wellbeing culture have healthier, happier, more productive employees.”

Paul Narvaez


Paul is an entrepreneur and marketing professional with extensive experience launching new companies, products, and services. As an avid fan of the outdoors, Paul enjoys skiing, camping, boating, and supporting ocean conservation efforts. Paul studied guitar at Berklee College of Music and earned a B.S. in Journalism from Northeastern University. As a marketer, Paul has developed integrated marketing campaigns that connect companies and brands with their target audiences (EA Sports, EMI Records, MTV, General Motors, Elizabeth Arden, Google, Twitter, NFL, Gatorade, Ben & Jerry’s). Throughout his 30-year career, Paul has also applied his skills to helping business owners build company culture through innovative communications and events.


“I enjoy connecting people and sharing ideas. We are all human beings with many of the same basic needs. We all appreciate trust, honesty, recognition, and the pursuit of happiness. I believe RemoteWorx can help.”


Let’s create a better work+life experience together. Working at RemoteWorx Wellbeing provides an opportunity to make a real difference in people’s lives. Our mission is to inspire and improve the way people work, feel and live. We think that’s a pretty cool way to wake up each day.

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