It is well-known that stress can harm physical and mental health. However, some are surprised that stress can negatively impact workplace productivity, morale, and retention rates.

Considering the CDC reports that around 25% of employees say their workplace is their number one stressor, workplace wellness matters — as does a culture that supports wellness outside of work. While many variables concerning employee stress cannot be controlled, you can alter your approach within the workplace to promote better mental health for all.

Consider these five strategies for optimal workplace stress management, focusing on steps employees and management can take.

1. Help employees prioritize and organize tasks

The presence of clutter can lead to feelings of anxiety and stress, and while most associate that connection with physical clutter, a never-ending mental to-do list can be just as taxing.

The brain prefers one task over multitasking, which influences productivity when overloaded. So, guide and motivate employees to help them become more focused and task-oriented.

  • Provide templates for to-do lists or calendars to encourage task and deadline prioritization.
  • Promote periods of focused work followed by breaks, making this a routine part of each workday.
  • Teach techniques for effective time management, such as the Eisenhower Matrix and ABC method.
  • Provide and use technology such as Asana and Trello for greater organization and team communication.

2. Promote a healthy work-life balance

You can encourage work-life balance in many ways, with the best options being those employees find impactful. Management should be open to suggestions while implementing a culture of positive wellbeing.

Here are some suggestions:

  • Regularly review employee workloads to see who feels pressured so they can communicate what would help improve their work experience and capacity. Create a work environment where this is openly discussed so that it becomes commonplace.
  • Encourage breaks so that employees can check in with family and friends or focus on a passion project. If you have the space, create a break room where employees can retreat during scheduled employee wellness breaks.

If your business model allows it, offer flexible scheduling or options to work remotely.

3. Create a positive work environment

While employees are at work, it’s critical that they feel comfortable and appreciated. A supportive work culture can help reduce stress levels, encourage greater collaboration, and facilitate optimal communication.

To promote a happier, healthy team, create a workplace wellness program and track employee progress. Reward those who are actively working toward a healthier lifestyle and provide support for ongoing career growth.

4. Practice mindfulness and relaxation techniques

Whether it be yoga, meditation, or deep breathing, these relaxation techniques can help boost focus and energy. All it takes is 10-15 minutes daily to see the positive effects of office meditation. This routine has been shown to make people more resilient to stress, which has a domino effect on workplace performance.

Encouraging breaks for employees to practice these techniques could significantly affect their wellbeing inside and outside of work. Considering that only around one-third of employers offer a culture where breaks are encouraged, this is a simple and effective way to show your team that you care. Provide meditation-related resources and set break timers for those who want to explore this option.

5. Encourage professional help when needed

In some cases, individuals need more support, which is why a workplace culture that destigmatizes mental health issues is so crucial. For some, stress management courses can do wonders for their mental health and workplace performance.

If you notice changes in eating, sleeping, work, or personality patterns due to potential mental health concerns, it may be time to seek professional support. Offering resources within the workplace to help employees on that journey benefits all.

Get started with a free wellness assessment

Stress is inevitable and, in some cases, beneficial. However, when it starts to impact one’s life in a way that is detrimental to one’s career, relationships, and health, it must be addressed.

A proactive approach and a healthy work environment will create a culture that encourages optimal wellbeing. These steps can improve engagement rates, reduce absenteeism, and ensure a greater sense of company pride across the board.

To see what is possible for you and your team, take our free wellness assessment and request a demo of our coach-led platform today!